Road to automation using watir for beginner

Watir installation:
1. Download and install the latest Ruby version from link “Ruby”. Setup ruby bin folder path to system environment variables. After installation and setup path run command:
ruby -v

2. setup OK if you get ruby version as a message.
gem  -v

3. You should update gem by using command.
gem  update --system

4. Watir and watir-webdriver gems need to “ffi” gem, and it needs Ruby Installer Development Kit (DevKit). Download DevKit  from link DevKit. and follow installation process as mentioned in url 
5. After DevKit successful installation, you need to install water and watir-webdriver by running following commands.
gem install watir
gem install watir-webdriver

6. After successfully installation of watir and watir-webdriver run some below commands to verify installation.

            Below message should be displayed
            DL is deprecated, please use Fiddle
>require "watir-webdriver"
            Message “true” should be displayed           
>browser = :ff
               Firefox browser should be open

Road to jmeter test execution with maven

In this post I explain the procedure of Jmeter test execution using maven build tool. 


1. Download and setup java path in your system environment path.
2. Download and install Jmeter.
3. Download and setup maven bin path in your system environment path

Road to correlation in Jmeter test script

Today, I continue posting regarding jmeter, in my previous two post I explained how to create jmeter test script and how parameterize test scripts from external file? In this post I am going to explain about correlation in jmeter

What is Correlation: correlation play most important role in jmeter scripting. It is a procedure by which fetching dynamic data from a request’s response and passing it into next request.

Why need Correlation: 
Suppose we have a login scenario in which.
     1. User enter credential and click on submit button.
     2. At dashboard click any tab.
Now, if I recoded above scenario and replay back using jmeter then test will fail. The reason behind it that authentication mechanisms use here. As when I recorded test script server automatically generated a dynamic session id which passed in next request of test for validating authentication of user. So when I executed test scripts every time a new session Id generated dynamically as user login request sent, we need to pass same session Id in next request. So these types of scenarios we need to handle using correlation of jmeter

Road to parameterization in Jmeter test script

Parameterization is process by which user input some values to test script at execution time using external files such as csv, xls, txt, xml etc. In Jmeter test, suppose we need to check login functionality with 100 set of user so in this case we parameterize users from external file. At execution time user picked dynamically .

Steps Jmeter parameterization.

1. After capturing request and responses of your web application you need to create a csv file and put data in file separated with comma. As I created below  csv file for urls parameterization

Road to Jmeter - procedure to create first test script for the beginners

Set up and installation:

1. Download java(JDK) from link "“” and setup path in your system environment variable.
2. Download apache Jmeter from link “”.
3. Unzip downloaded Jmeter package in your machine, go to extracted folder and open bin folder.
4. Click on “jmeter.bat” file you should see that a cmd screen and Jmeter console should opened as below.

After completing above steps you are ready to create First Jmeter script.    

Road to create test script using Pywinauto

Pywinauto is python based GUI automation tool, using this we can automate windows application.

Set up:

To set up pywinauto you need to install some prerequisite in you machine as mentioned below.
 1. Python
 2. SendKeys (SendKeys-0.3.win32-py2.6.exe)
 3. setuptools-0.6c11.win32-py2.6.exe.

Download pywinauto from link and unzip in your machine.
Open command prompt and go to unzip folder “pywinauto” and run command

 python install

To check you have it installed correctly

Road to create executable jar using maven

In this post I explained the procedure to create executable jar file using maven build tool.

You need to create java maven project using eclipse.

Here is example of a java class having main method.

Road to create executable jar using ant build tool

In this post I explained the procedure to create executable jar file using ant.

You need to create java project using eclipse , create a lib folder in your eclipse project.

Here is example of a java class having main method.

Road to verify images using java webdriver

In this post I have explained that how to verify images in webdriver using java. As webdriver does not provide direct any function to image verification, but we can verify images by taking two screen shots of whole web page using “TakesScreenshot” webdriver function, one at script creation time and another at execution time,

In below example I have created a sample script in which first I captured a Google home page screen shot and saved (GoogleInput.jpg) into my project, Another screen shot “GoogleOutput.jpg” captured of same page at test executing time and saved into project. I compared both images if they are not same then test will script fail.