Showing posts with label Jenkins/Hudson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jenkins/Hudson. Show all posts

Road to publish Webdriver TestNg report in Jenkins

In this post I will show you how to publish TestNg report on Jenkins server.

Installation TestNG plug-in.
1. After launching Jenkins server go to "Manage Jenkins>>Manage Plugins"
2. Enter TestNg in filter field, you will see “TestNg Results Plugin” like below screen.

3. Click on check box and then click on installation button.

Road to setup git repository with Jenkins

To set up Jenkins with git repository follows below steps:
1. Launch your Jenkins server.
2. Open Jenkins url.
3. Install “GitHub Plugin” into Jenkins.
4. Install Git in your machine.

Road to integration of calabash android test with Jenkins

In this post I am going to show you how to integrate calabash android test with Jenkins continuous integration for build. Also I will show you how to publish cucumber execution report in Jenkins.

1. Java: java should be installed
2. Jenkins: If you are new to Jenkins then click link "click here” of my post how to setup Jenkins in window before continue.
3. Install the”cucumber-jvm-reports-java” plugin: following are the steps to install plugin.

Road to email configuration in Jenkins CI tool

In this post I am going to see you that how to configure email in Jenkins or Hudson CI tools so that mail send after each build.
For Jenkins mail configuration first we need to install “Email-ext “ plugin.

In Jenkins Setup:

First you need to setup sender email Id to Jenkins. For this open Jenkins  on web browser, go to “Manage Jenkins”>> Configure System .
You will see “Extended E-mail Notification” and “E-mail Notification” configure these options as I configure in below screen.

Jenkins Hudson

Jenkins is an open source continuous Integration tool written in java originated by Hudson.  Jenkins is most popular continuous integration tool in market. The reason is Jenkins is easy to use, open source, intuitive user interface and powerful features, supported variety of languages, technologies including Java .net, PHP, Ruby, Python, and Groovy etc.