Showing posts with label Maven. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Maven. Show all posts

Road to execution of SoapUI Project using maven

In my previous post “Click” I have posted how to create JUnit test for SoapUI project. In this post I will show you how to execute SoapUI-JUnit project using maven
Create java maven project as following directory.

                    ******** com/ maven/ example
                    ******** com/maven/example/

Road to create java maven project.

In this post I explain the procedure to create java maven project.  Before creating maven project you must have following setup in your system.
  1. Java 
  2. Maven
  3. Eclipse
Create Maven project:  create a folder in your system as I created “MavenProject” folder in D drive. Open command prompt, go to created project and run below command.

mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId={ProjectPackage} -DartifactId={ProjectName} -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DinteractiveMode=false

Road to jmeter test execution with maven

In this post I explain the procedure of Jmeter test execution using maven build tool. 


1. Download and setup java path in your system environment path.
2. Download and install Jmeter.
3. Download and setup maven bin path in your system environment path

Road to create executable jar using maven

In this post I explained the procedure to create executable jar file using maven build tool.

You need to create java maven project using eclipse.

Here is example of a java class having main method.

Junit Test with Maven

In this post I will explain how to create and run JUnit test using maven. download Apache maven from link “download”, extract zip package into you machine and setup path maven bin folder into your system  environment variable. following are the steps to create JUnit test for maven and maven commands.

JUnit Test creation:

Create source folder in your eclipse “src/test/java” and “src/main/java” as below screen: