Showing posts with label Robotium. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Robotium. Show all posts

Road to automate android application using Robotium and Testdroid recorder.

In this post I will show you how to automate android application using robotium framework with testdroid recorder.
Testdroid recorder is capture user action , generate reusable android test case into robotium framework. For more detail about Testdroid visit link “click here

  1. Eclipse should be installed in your machine.
  2. Android SDK should be installed.
  3. ADT Plug-in installed in to Eclipse. 
Testdroid installation: 

1. Start Eclipse and go to Help -> Install New Software
2. Click Add button; enter to field asking you a site to work with.
3. Fill in “Testdroid plug-in” for the Name
4. For the Location provide URL to Testdroid repository:
5. Click ok button.