In this post I will show you how to add script assertion in SoapUI response of wsdl api test methods.
Here I have an example of CurrencyConvertor, I created a SoapUI project and added test case for this method as you can see in below window.
Now here in response body I will add assertion that verify the “ConversionRateResult” value is always 104 for given input value.
Steps to add script assertion:
Here I have an example of CurrencyConvertor, I created a SoapUI project and added test case for this method as you can see in below window.
Now here in response body I will add assertion that verify the “ConversionRateResult” value is always 104 for given input value.
Steps to add script assertion:
- Click on “Assertions” button at bottom of left side.
- Clicks add icon as point 1 mentioned on below image.
- Chose script option as mentioned point 2.
- Click script assertion as mentioned point 3.
- Click add button as mentioned point 4.
You can see a window opened where you can add your script assertion code.
1. Import xml holder class at first line and create XmlHolder object.
def holder = new XmlHolder(
messageExchange.responseContentAsXml )
2. Add name space for http://www.webserviceX.NET as in response.
holder.namespaces["ns1"] =
3. To verify node ConversionRateResponse.ConversionRateResult add below code:
def node = holder.getDomNode(
"//ns1:ConversionRateResponse[1]/ns1:ConversionRateResult[1]" )
assert node != null
4. To verify node value of ConversionRateResponse.ConversionRateResult add below code:
def response = context.expand(
'${ConversionRate#Response#declare namespace
//ns1:ConversionRateResponse[1]/ns1:ConversionRateResult[1]}' )
assert response != null
assert response == "104"
Complete assertion code:
def holder = new XmlHolder(
messageExchange.responseContentAsXml )
holder.namespaces["ns1"] = http://www.webserviceX.NET/
def node = holder.getDomNode(
"//ns1:ConversionRateResponse[1]/ns1:ConversionRateResult[1]" )
assert node != null
def response = context.expand(
'${ConversionRate#Response#declare namespace
//ns1:ConversionRateResponse[1]/ns1:ConversionRateResult[1]}' )
assert response != null
assert response == "104
Hope this will help you add script assertion in your SoapUI wsdl api test methods.
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