Road To Automation
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Mobile Automation
TestNG & Junit
Training Syllabus
Road to Codeception setup and first test script for beginner
Codeception: Codeception is PHP testing framework in BDD stype,It is easy to setup and use, not required any dependency except php. It ha...
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Road to generate html report for Python Webdriver test suite using HTMLTestRunner
In my previous post "" Road to create test suite for python Webdriver scripts , I posted that how to create Suite file for webdri...
Road to create test suite for python Webdriver scripts
In this post I will show you how to create suite file for Webdriver python UnitTest. Following are two webdriver python unit test script. ...
TestNG factory class with example
TestNG factory class is used to create instance of testNg class at runtime (dynamically). When we apply Factory annotation on method, it al...
TestNG - Exception Test
In this post I will show you how to handle exception in Testng. TestNg provides expectedExceptions parameter which is used along with @Tes...
TestNG - Ignore Test
In this post I will show you how to ignore testng test case to execute, TestNg provide attribute enabled which make the test to be execute...
How to read write data in properties file using Java
For reading and writing data into properties file I am using Properties class in this post. Create a file name with extension .properties ...
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Road to publish Webdriver TestNg report in Jenkins
In this post I will show you how to publish TestNg report on Jenkins server. Installation TestNG plug-in. 1. After launching Jenkins ser...
How to read write data in properties file using php
For reading and writing data into properties file I am using parse_ini_file() function in this post. Create a file name with extension .pr...
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Road to capture screen shot of failed Webdriver test script part2
In my previous post ( " Road to capture screen shot of failed webdriver test script part1 ") I have posted how to capture screen ...
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