Road To Automation
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Mobile Automation
TestNG & Junit
Training Syllabus
Road to setup and configure Git repository.
In this post I will show you how to setup Git repository on windows machine. Installation: 1 Download git exec file from link: click 2 C...
Road To NUnit setup, test execution with a simple test script
NUnit: Nunit is an open source unit testing framework for all .Net language Setup NUnit: Download nunit exe from link: download Inst...
Road to reading SVG graph values in Webdriver
Here is example of the reading svg graph values in java webdriver. package com.test; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent...
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Road to execution of SoapUI Project using maven
In my previous post “ Click ” I have posted how to create JUnit test for SoapUI project. In this post I will show you how to execute SoapUI...
Road to setup git repository with Jenkins
To set up Jenkins with git repository follows below steps: 1. Launch your Jenkins server. 2. Open Jenkins url. 3. Install “GitHub Plugin...
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Road to setup and create first Appium Webdriver android script in Java
About Appium: Appium is open source automation tool for iOS and android application supported by Sauce Lab. It is cross platform, supporte...
Road to find android application element details using UI Automator Viewer
In this post I will show you how to find element details of android application using Android “UI Automator Viewer”. Following are the step...
Execution of Calabash test on multiple Simulator
In this post I have run below calabash android scenario in two simulator Feature: Login feature Scenario: As a valid user I can log in...
Running and closing application for each monkey talk test method
From couple of days I was looking that each monkeyTalk automation script would run individually without affecting each other, It means tha...
Mobile app automation using MonkeyTalk Java API
Gorilla Logic has released its MonkeyTalk api for java. We can automate mobile application using java language for both iOS and android app...
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