Road To Automation
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Mobile Automation
TestNG & Junit
Training Syllabus
Start with Python WebDriver - Procedure to create first test script for the beginners
Prerequisite: 1. Python should be installed and set up path in your machine.Download Python from here “ ClickHere ” 2. Install e...
How to Set up and launching Selenium Grid?
Download selenium latest jar file from Webdriver Launching Hub: Open command prompt and got to your selenium server jar file and run co...
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How to search image (locator) using sikuli
Some time we are getting that image are not displayed on screen which is captured by sikuli at run time. Such as we open a
Start with Java Webdriver - Procedure to create first test script for the beginners
Prerequisites: Download Selenium2 jar file from . Download TestNG jar file from
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Road To - TestNG Installation in eclipse
1. Open eclipse. 2. Goto Help>>Install New Software and click, screen should be display as below:.
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Junit Test Suite
Test Suite means combined multiple test cases . when I run test suite all test case associated with suite will execute. In Junit we will cr...
JUnit Test Template
In this topic I will explain the basic Junit framework template package com.test; import org.junit.*; public class JunitTempl...
Junit testing framework
Junit is a unit test framework for implementing testing in java. However it is suitable for unit testing but for integration testing you sh...
TestNG vs Junit 4
Junit 4 and TestNG are similar on surface where as Junit 4 is designed for unit test. TestNg is high label testing it specially use very l...
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