Road To Automation
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TestNG & Junit
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Road to parallel execution of selenium webdriver test using testng
In this post you will learn how to run selenium webdriver test scripts parallel in more two environments using testng suite, testng has a f...
TestNG factory class with example
TestNG factory class is used to create instance of testNg class at runtime (dynamically). When we apply Factory annotation on method, it al...
TestNG - Exception Test
In this post I will show you how to handle exception in Testng. TestNg provides expectedExceptions parameter which is used along with @Tes...
TestNG - Ignore Test
In this post I will show you how to ignore testng test case to execute, TestNg provide attribute enabled which make the test to be execute...
Road to publish Webdriver TestNg report in Jenkins
In this post I will show you how to publish TestNg report on Jenkins server. Installation TestNG plug-in. 1. After launching Jenkins ser...
Road to override TestNg listener methods
In this post I will show you how to create custom testng listener class and override its methods. Create java class like I created below ...
TestNg Dependencies
Sometime we need to run test methods in certain order, As we need to run a test method always run after some test method. TestNg provide tw...
TestNG Parametrization: Part-2
If you need some complex parameter or parameter that need to created from java then using testng xml file parameter is not sufficient. For ...
TestNG Parametrization: Part-1
Parametrization means passing values in Unit test script using TestNG xml file, or using @DataProvider testing annotation Parametrization...
How to create TestNG suite file.
TestNG suite means grouping two or more than two classes to execute with a single command. How to create: Create some test class a...
Some basic annotation of TestNG
Below are some basic annotation which we use in automation. @BeforeSuite - Execute only one time before all testNg method.. @Afte...
Road To - TestNG Installation in eclipse
1. Open eclipse. 2. Goto Help>>Install New Software and click, screen should be display as below:.
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TestNG vs Junit 4
Junit 4 and TestNG are similar on surface where as Junit 4 is designed for unit test. TestNg is high label testing it specially use very l...
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