
Java TestNg Selenium Webdriver Training syllabus

Syllabus of Training Session:

1. What is TestNg
2. Installing TestNg in Eclipse
3. TestNg annotations
4. Understanding usage of annotations
5. Running a Test in TestNg
6. Batch Running of tests in TestNg
7. Skipping Tests
8. Parameter zing Tests – DataProvider
9. Assertions/Reporting Errors
10. TestNg Reports
11. Advantages over Junit

Basic WebDriver: 
1. Why WebDriver?
2. Downloading WebDriver Jars and configuring in eclipse
3. Architecture of selenium webdriver
4. Introduction of Drivers for Firefox, IE, chrome, Iphone, Android etc
5. First Selenium Code
6. Working with chrome and IE
7. Selenium RC and WebDriver
8. Concept of firefox profile
9. What is Firefox profile
10. Why we need firefox Profile
11. Close and Quit –Difference
12. WebDriver DesiredCapabilities Class
13. HTMLUnit driver and desired capabilities

Locator Strategy: 
1. Firepath and firebug Add-ons installation in Mozilla
2. Inspecting elements in Mozilla, Chrome and IE
3. HTML language tags and attributes
4. Various locator strategies
5. WebDriver Interface
6. WebElement Interface
7. Identifying WebElements using id, name, class
8. Finding Xpaths to identify
9. Absolute and complete Xpaths
10. Creating customized Xpaths without firebug
11. Css Selectors
12. Generating own CssSelectors
13. Performance of CssSelectors as compared to Xpaths
14. Finding xpaths/cssselectors in different browsers - Mozilla, Chrome and IE
15. Objects with same id/xpath/cssSelector
16. What is class attribute?
17. Handling Dynamic objects/ids on the page
18. Working with different browsers without changing code

Webdriver Handling Object and some basic functions: 

1. Integration of test script with TestNG.
2. Managing Input fields, Buttons and creating custom xpaths
3. Managing/Identifying Links with xpaths/css selectors
4. Extracting More than one object from a page
5. Extracting all links of a page/Bulk extraction of objects
6. Extracting Objects from a specific area of a web page
7. Various strategies to test Links on a page by clicking on them one by one
8. Finding whether object is present on page or not
9. Handling drop down list
10. Managing radio buttons and Checkboxes
11. isDisplayed function
12. Taking Screenshots of the web pages
13. Implicit and Explicit waits
14. PageLoadTimeout Property
15. WebDriverWait Class
16. WebDriver.Timeout Interface
17. ExpectedCondition interface and ExpectedConditions class
18. WaitUntil Condition
19. Fluent Wait
20. Window Handles
21. Managing popups in IE, Chrome and Mozilla
22. Closing windows
23. Default Popups
24. Testing https websites / Managing certificate errors in https websites in IE, Chrome and Mozilla
25. Mouse movement with Selenium - Actions class
26. Extracting Data From WebTable
27. Dynamic WebTable Handling
28. Handling Frames in Web Page
29. Handling Frames inside Frames
30. Handling cookies
31. Managing Javascript alerts
32. Simulating front and back button click on Browser using selenium
33. Assigning Firefox profile parameters
34. Downloading files using selenium
35. Finding Coordinates of a Web Object
36. Actions class in Webdriver and implementation.
37. JavaScriptExecutor
38. Drag, drop

Webdriver Data Driven Framework:

1. Overview of Data driven framework
2. Building the Test Base Class
3. Using Annotations of TestNg
4. Repeating a test with different Data
5. Parameterizing tests using XL Files

Webdriver Hybrid Framework:
1. Overview of Hybrid framework
2. Building the Test Base Classes
3. Building utilities and configuration files.
4. Creating configuration of test scripts and 
5. Creating library for reusable functions.
6. Creating object repository.
7. Creating function to call repository.
8. Test scripts creation with the help of object repository and function library.
9. Repeating a test with different Data
10. Parameterizing tests using XL Files

Execution of framework using Ant:

1. What is Ant and build.xml file.
2. How to define target in ant file.
3. How to define properties.
4. How to compile java code using ant.
5. How to setup and execute Testng suite using ant. 
6. Running the framework through ANT
7. Calling one target within another target.
8. Generating the HTML reports

Integration with Jenkins:
1. How to setup and launch Jenkins.
2. Creating Jobs in Jenkins.
3. How to installed new plug-in in Jenkins.
4. Integration of ant Webdriver framework with Jenkins
5. Scheduling Jobs, Publishing TestNG report in Jenkins environments.
6. Email configuration for sending execution report.

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