
How to read write data in properties file using Java

For reading and writing data into properties file I am using Properties class in this post.
Create a file name with extension .properties like I have created “” below file:

Reading Data: Below code read data from above file using key and file name as an arguments.
package com.test;

import java.util.Properties;

public class FileReader {
    public String readData(String key, String fileName) {
           String value = "";
           try {

                         Properties properties = new Properties();
                         File file  = new File("");
                         if (file.exists()) {
                                             properties.load(new FileInputStream(file));
                                             value = properties.getProperty(key);
            } catch (Exception e) {
           return value;
    public static void main(String []str){
             FileReader fileReader = new FileReader();                           
                         String name = fileReader.readData("Name", "fileName");
                         System.out.println("Name :"+name);
                         String url = fileReader.readData("URL", "fileName");
                         System.out.println("URL :"+url);
If you run above file you will get Name and Url values and print on console

Road to publish Webdriver TestNg report in Jenkins

In this post I will show you how to publish TestNg report on Jenkins server.

Installation TestNG plug-in.
1. After launching Jenkins server go to "Manage Jenkins>>Manage Plugins"
2. Enter TestNg in filter field, you will see “TestNg Results Plugin” like below screen.

3. Click on check box and then click on installation button.

How to read write data in properties file using php

For reading and writing data into properties file I am using parse_ini_file() function in this post.
Create a file name with extension .properties like I have created below:

Reading Data: below code read data from above file using key:
function getValue($key)
    $ini_array = parse_ini_file("");
    $value =  $ini_array[$key];
    return $value;