
Execution of Calabash test on multiple Simulator

In this post I have run below calabash android scenario in two simulator

Feature: Login feature

  Scenario: As a valid user I can log into my app
    When I press "Login"
    And click on web menu
    And enter into input field
    And enter into text area
    And click on Radio button B
    And click on check boxes
    And click on go button
    And set second device
    And click on web menu
    And enter into input field
    And shut down test server
    And set first device
    And click on web menu
    And enter into input field 

Running and closing application for each monkey talk test method

From couple of days I was looking that each monkeyTalk automation script would run individually without affecting each other, It means that AUT (Application Under Test) at initial stage for each test. 
So I think that if I launch application before running test and closing after test execution, I will get solution.

After searching, I got some adb commands to launch and close installed application. Below commands are for the same:
To launch Application:

adb shell am start -n com.gorillalogic.monkeytalk.demo1/.RootActivity

Where “com.gorillalogic.monkeytalk.demo1” is application package name and “RootActivity” is main activity class name.
To close application

adb shell am force-stop com.gorillalogic.monkeytalk.demo1

Where “com.gorillalogic.monkeytalk.demo1” is application package name.

Mobile app automation using MonkeyTalk Java API

Gorilla Logic has released its MonkeyTalk api for java. We can automate mobile application using java language for both iOS and android application. In this post I will show you how to setup and created test scripts in java. Following are requirement to setup:
  1. Install Java on your machine.
  2. Download MonkeyTalk from link: “”
  3. Unzip downloaded monkeytalk zip file in your machine.
  4. You need to setup your application with monkeytalk agent, 
  5. Run application on emulator or devices.