
Road to automate webview using Calabash

Calabash only supports web view which is in build in mobile application and not supported web application opened on mobile browser. I have searched such type application and finally got from MonketTalk sample application. In this I have created step definition and automated below form:

Road to identifying elements using Calabash's query command

In this post, I will show you the way, how to identify application elements. Before going below, make sure you resigned and created test server of your application.
Now open commands prompt, go to directory application and run below command:
 calabash-android console {ApkfileName} 
Calabash console should be opened. Following are the some basic way to find element details using query commands.

Road to data driven testing in SoapUI using groovy script with excel file

SoapUI Pro has a feature to read data from external files like: excel, csv etc. But SoapUI does not provide such feature to read data from excel file. So for reading data from excel file in SoapUI, we need to write some code in groovy script.
I this post I will show you, how to read data from excel file.I am using poi jar files to read data from excel file in groovy, download following jar files and put into SoapUI lib folder.
  • poi-3.8-beta5-20111217.jar
  • poi-examples-3.8-beta5-20111217.jar
  • poi-excelant-3.8-beta5-20111217.jar
  • poi-ooxml-3.8-beta5-20111217.jar
  • poi-ooxml-schemas-3.8-beta5-20111217.jar
  • poi-scratchpad-3.8-beta5-20111217.jar 
  • dom4j-1.6.1.jar