
Road to email configuration in Jenkins CI tool

In this post I am going to see you that how to configure email in Jenkins or Hudson CI tools so that mail send after each build.
For Jenkins mail configuration first we need to install “Email-ext “ plugin.

In Jenkins Setup:

First you need to setup sender email Id to Jenkins. For this open Jenkins  on web browser, go to “Manage Jenkins”>> Configure System .
You will see “Extended E-mail Notification” and “E-mail Notification” configure these options as I configure in below screen.

In this I am using gmail SMTP server you can chose according to yours. Check "Use SMTP Authentication" check box and enter username(email id) and password of sender.

In Job Setup

After sender email id setup in Jenkins  now you need to setup receiver email id into your job configuration. Go to your job "Configure" option and setup sender email id of option “Editable Email Notification” under “Post Build Actions” of your job. 

Build your job, after build completed an email will be send to receivers email id.


  1. Please tell me the exact way how to create the job with respect to this email configuration.

    Thanks in Advance

  2. You can see project creation part in this post.

  3. When I try to test the email configuration using 'Test Configuration' button, I get the below error message. Please help

    Could not connect to SMTP host:, port: 465;
    nested exception is: Connection timed out: connect

    1. Change the port number to 587 in advance settings for the Email Config

  4. HI,

    Please advise me how to setting up or configure the group email for sending the notification in Jenkins.


  5. Is there any way to setting up group email( for notification in JENKIN


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