
Road to create virtual android device( emulator ) in windows

Here are steps to create virtual device of android in window machine.

1. Download and install Android SDK from link “download android sdk
2. After installation click on “SDK Manager.exe” from your android installed directory.

3. Check android API as per your requirement and click on install button. It will talke some time for installation.
4. After installation successful. Click on Tool>>Manage ADVs”

5. Click on new button, Enter device name and select all options from open window, click on OK buton.
6. After creating device select created device and click on “Run” button. You android vertual device is open like below screen.


  1. Hi,
    1.I have setup the android sdk and installed 'Android Web driver'.
    2.Have installed android server apk(android-server-2.32.0.apk) and included Jar files (selenium-java-2.35.0) in lib.
    3.Then I ran the example test script in Eclipse.
    4.While running, I found following error:

    Could not find class ' Driver', referenced from method com.example.test1.Main Activity.test Google.

    What is the problem?


  2. Nice and informative post.keep it up.thanks for this post.

  3. Please somebody help to working with Appium and selenondoid.

  4. Hi,

    I want to open any webpage using google chrome or opera browser from my avd emulator.
    For that i have downloaded and pushed the corresponding apk files(google chrome apk and opera files) into my Android device in emulator. But i don't know what javascript code i should use in eclipse to invoke them. Even when i am clicking those application manually, they are not responding.
    So, please suggest me how to solve my both problems.


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