
Road to Jmeter test of wsdl web services.

In this post, I am going to explain how to create jmeter test for wsdl api testing to perform load testing. Before creating test you need following set up in your machine.

Set Up:
  1. Download and setup java path in your system environment path. 
  2. Download and install Jmeter.
  3. Download and install soapUI.
Here I am using wsdl url “”.

Steps to create test:
  1. Launch your Jmeter.
  2. Right click on test plan add new thread group by choosing option:  Add>>Threads (user)>>Thread Group.
  3. Right click on “Thread Group“ add new sampler by choosing option:  Add>>Sampler>> SOAP/XML-RPC Request
      4. Now open soap UI and create new soapui project using wsdl url as I used in below

   5.  After soap ui project created successfully. Copy soap request data as I copy below soap request.

 6. Past copied soap request code into created Jmeter SOAP/XML-RPC Request” sampler in  Soap/XML-RPC data as below:

7. Right click on “Thread Group“ add new” View Results Tree” by choosing Add>Lisseners> View Results Tree.
8. Click on run button. After execution you can see response in “View Result Tree” as below.


  1. This is just awesome and very needed one. Thanks a lot.

  2. Very clear - step by step. Wonderful job

  3. Useful for beginners, please do publish more

  4. Dude i need help .. i have the data to the request but i need to change for each generator a parameter .. how i can i do this ?

  5. When i try this in Jmeter it returns Response code: 500 and same request working fine on soapUI

  6. I am not getting any reponse in Jmeter after executing the mentioned steps.

  7. Very informative for the beginners to start


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