
Road to automation using watir for beginner

Watir installation:
1. Download and install the latest Ruby version from link “Ruby”. Setup ruby bin folder path to system environment variables. After installation and setup path run command:
ruby -v

2. setup OK if you get ruby version as a message.
gem  -v

3. You should update gem by using command.
gem  update --system

4. Watir and watir-webdriver gems need to “ffi” gem, and it needs Ruby Installer Development Kit (DevKit). Download DevKit  from link DevKit. and follow installation process as mentioned in url 
5. After DevKit successful installation, you need to install water and watir-webdriver by running following commands.
gem install watir
gem install watir-webdriver

6. After successfully installation of watir and watir-webdriver run some below commands to verify installation.

            Below message should be displayed
            DL is deprecated, please use Fiddle
>require "watir-webdriver"
            Message “true” should be displayed           
>browser = :ff
               Firefox browser should be open

First Watir Test Script:

here is  example “Google.rb” of watir Unit Test script.

require 'watir'
gem "test-unit"
require "test/unit"

 class Google < Test::Unit::TestCase

   def setup
               @browser = :ff
               @browser.goto ""
   def teardown
   def test_Google_Search
               @browser.a(:text => "Images").click
               @browser.a(:text => "Maps").click
               @browser.a(:text => "News").click
               @browser.a(:text => "Search").click                       
               @browser.text_field(:id => "gbqfq").set "book"
               @browser.button(:name => "btnG").click

Above script is divided into three part “setup”, “testdown” and test_Google_search”

setup: setup method executed before any test method in script. In this method we put open browser functionality or any other which we need to perform before test method execution.

teardown: this method execute after test method so in this method we put browse close functionality or any other which we need to perform after test method execution.

test: we need to add test prefix for test method.

Browsers Watir driver:

 Following are the watirdriver which we need to use in watir test script for particular browser.
browser = :ff

Internet explorer:
browser = :ie

Google chrome:
browser = :chrome

Watirdriver exe:

If you are running your test scripts on google chrome  then  you need to download and setup path of “chromedriver.exe” driver. Best way to put this into folder “C:\Ruby192\bin”

For test execution need to run using ruby command
ruby testScriptName

In my case after execution command prompt look like as below.

Hope this is post help to set up and create first watir test script.

1 comment:

  1. Realy very nice post of ruby watir for be beginner. Thanks for such a great post...


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