
Jenkins Hudson

Jenkins is an open source continuous Integration tool written in java originated by Hudson.  Jenkins is most popular continuous integration tool in market. The reason is Jenkins is easy to use, open source, intuitive user interface and powerful features, supported variety of languages, technologies including Java .net, PHP, Ruby, Python, and Groovy etc.

What is Continuous Integration?

Continuous integration (CI) is a software engineering practice in which isolated changes are immediately tested and reported on when they are added to a larger code base.  Another words it is a tool that control the changes in system. If any changes detected by the tool it automatically build code base and reported issues if any. Reported issue can be resolve immediately by developer. 

Jenkins Installation in window:

We can setup Jenkins in our machine in two ways.

Using Jar: Download Jenkins.war file from link save in your machine and run command.

   Java –jar jenkins.war

Using setup file:  download “” file from link  extract in your machine and install “jenkins.msi” into your machine.

After applying any one of above approaches open url http://localhost:8080 in your browser, Jenkins GUI should be display as below screen:

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