
Watir Ruby Based Automation Tool

About Watir:
Watir is an open source,  ruby based automation tool for web application. Watir drives application on web similar type as user do. It click on browser, fill form data, press button etc. Also it check result such as when any text appear on page.
Using ruby programming language we can make connection to data base, read files(csv, xls, txt, xml etc.) We can create our own function and library for reusable code.

Features of Watir:

automation team can choose a good tool for their test automation needs. There are many powerful tools available in the market which would be costlier. But Watir comes as an open source framework to simulate all the browser activities.

Below are some features of Watir:
  1. Watir is  a free Open Source for browser based application testing tool.
  2. Watir is ruby based automation tool.
  3. Test scripts are written in the Ruby programming language and Watir is a Ruby library that simulates user action in the browsers.
  4. Ability to use the full power of Ruby in test scripts (Ruby is pure OOPs based language and it has the power to read the data from Excel files and write the data to Excel files, XML files.)
  5. There’s a very active and growing community behind it.
  6. It supports your web app no matter what it is developed in.
  7. It supports multiple browsers on different platforms.
  8. It is powerful and easy to use, yet beautifully lightweight.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing info however Watir-webdriver is watir version on top of selenium webdriver which is more recent and updated.

    Vishal Aggarwal
    Test Architect


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