
Soap UI API (HTTP Test request) testing for beginner

About Soap UI:

Soap UI is a free and open source cross-platform Functional Testing solution. With an easy-to-use graphical interface, and enterprise-class features, Soap UI allows you to easily and rapidly create and execute automated functional, regression, compliance, and load tests. In a single test environment, Soap UI provides complete test coverage and supports all the standard protocols and technologies. There are simply no limits to what you can do with your tests.

Soap UI testing area:

SOAP UI is basically used for API testing, below are some areas of  SOAP UI testing.
  1. Functional Testing.
  2. Load testing.
  3. Service mocking 
  4. Security Testing.
  5. Http protocol request testing.
  6. SOAP and WSDL
  7. Rest API testing.
  8. JMS API testing.
  9. AMF type API testing.
  10. WEB and HTTP.
Procedure- test HTTP type API method.

Download and install Soap UI from url “”.
Go to start >All Programs > SmartBear >soap UI *.*.*   and click on Soap UI-*.*.*
You should see Soap UI will open on machine.

Procedure Create First Test:
  1. Click on File > New Soap UI project, enter project name in "Project Name" filed and click on OK button.
  2. Right click on created project and click on “New TestSuite” option. You should see a popup window. Enter suite name in "TestSuite" filed. Click on OK button.
  3. Expand created project, right click on created suite and click on “New TestCase” option. You should see a popup window. Enter test case name in “TestCase” input filed and click on "OK" button.
  4. Expand created suite and  test case. Right click on “Test Step” select add step and click on “HTTP Test Request” enter "HTTP Test Request" name in input field. Click on "OK" button as I entered login and after clicking on "OK" button screen should be as below.

   5.  Enter end point url, end point” url is HTTP url, it may be locally or globally.
   6.  Select method type from "Method" drop down option as I selected “GET” method.
   7.  Click on + icon in parameters filed and add parameters if any as I added username and password field as parameter.
   8.  Click on "OK" button.
   9.  After successfully created test step, click on play icon your response of request is displayed as right side screen.

You can verify your responses manually. You can use assertion and verification to check automatics response at execution time.

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