
How to get windows info using AutoIT?


  Download and install AutoIt on machine from below link.

Steps To Get Windows Info:
  1.  Go to “Start button > All Programs >  AutoIT V3” and click “AutoIt Window info” option 

Start with Java Selenium RC - Procedure to create first test script for the beginners

  1. Download Selenium2 jar file from
  2. Download TestNG jar file from
  3. Download and Install JDK and setup java path 
  4. Download Eclipse IDE from
  5. Install TestNG plugin in downloaded eclipse
  6. Firefox should be install with selenium IDE plugin.
Step by step to creating first script:

1. Project creation: 
Open eclipse IDE  and chose work space.

User-Extensions js file with Selenium RC

1 –  Create user extensions file and place your user-extension.js file in the same directory where Selenium Server.
Run selenium server using below command.
java -jar selenium-server.jar -userExtensions user-extensions.js
Note: User extension file name must be same as user-extensions.js file 
2. Create an HttpCommandProcessor object with in class scope (outside the Test method)
selenium = new Def HttpCommandProcessor proc;

Sikuli With Test NG framework


1. Download and install sikuli from for more information visit link "
2. Download and install java 1.6
3. Download and setup eclipse with Test NG

I have created a sikuli script in which I open notepad, type some text and save file into system.

About Sikuli

  1. Sikuli is an open-source research project originally started at the User Interface Design Group at MIT. 
  2. Sikuli Script automates anything you see on the screen. 
  3. It uses image recognition to identify and control GUI components. 
  4. It is useful when there is no easy access to a GUI's internal or source code.
  5. By Sikuli script uses Python as the scripting language. Also Sikuli script's  features supported in your Java program language.

How to wait image (clip) before perform any sikuli action

To accomplish any action on image(clip) using sikuli I created below two methods:

public boolean isImagePresent(String image)
        boolean status = false;
        screen = new Screen();
        try {
            status = true;
        } catch (FindFailed e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        return status;

Start with Python Selenium RC - Procedure to create first test script for the beginners

  1. Python should be installed and set up path in your machine. Download Python from
  2. Download Selenium2 jar file from
  3. Install easy_install using code from link "" . Just copy code from url and past in a new  created python file like “”
  4. Put “” file in where python installed and run “” file as below command  >python
  5. After successfully execution a Scripts folder created under Pyhon installed directory. setup “Script”    folder path in your machine.
  6. Install selenium 2 in your system using command: > easy_install selenium

How to create and Run scripts:

Now your system is ready to execute python selenium RC scripts. Copy and past below code in  python file like “”

How to capture images using Sikuli?


1. Download and install Sikuli from for more information visit link "
2. Download and install java 1.6.

Steps to  capture images:

1. Open Sikuli IDE your screen should be as below screen: